I use Obsidian as my note taking / organisational tool. I’ve been using it for a while now and have found it to be very useful.

I’ve created a template that I use for all of my daily notes. It’s not perfect but it works well enough for me.


Front Matter

The “Frontmatter” in my daily notes is super simple, All I need if for is to keep track of my daily mood and productivity level.

Mood: []
Productivity Level:
  • Mood is a simple “Good” or “Bad” which is basic enough to know whats going on, but not a burden to try and think deeply about how I’m feeling.
  • Productivity Level is a simple “Low”, “Medium” or “High” which is also basic enough to know where I’m at but super easy to fill out.

The Alert

I have an alert in my daily note, at the moment it is just a simple reminder to fill out my daily note with the details that I like keeping track of.

> [!info] Every Day
> - Fill out mood and productivity rating (low, medium or high)
> - End of the day fill out the Daily Summary to cover everything done in that day, just so you can remember.

This alert does change from time to time, but I do find it good to remind me of the bigger things.

Action Buttons

Buttons are something I use a little bit in my vault. It allows enough of a feedback, interactivity and something different to just normal markdown.

I use the Meta Bind Button plugin to handle all of there, it allows for enough functionality and customisation.

style: primary
label: New Fitness Activity
 type: templaterCreateNote
 templateFile: "99. Templates/Fitness Daily Tracker Template.md"
 folderPath: "07. Health/Activities"
 fileName: "YYYY-MM-DD - Activity"
 openNote: true

As you can see it will create a new note in my “07. Health/Activities” folder with a template I have created for tracking fitness activities.

I use Templater to handle all of these templates (including the daily note as well if needed)

Clicking this button will create and open the file needed in order to fill out my fitness workout details.

Things to Do

This is a super simple list of things to do, I fill these out on the fly with tasks at the start of the day and use the Tasks Plugin to get this all done.

### Things To-Do
- [ ]

I also have a query that pulls all of the tasks into the sidebar which is a good way of tracking tasks from days gone by and open tasks that need to be complete.

Daily Tracking / Things Done

Tracking things I do during the day, not as a way of time tracking but just a reminder of what I did and creating an easy lookup for what I did in the past.

### Daily Diary / Things Done
> Include the time / activity and any tagging on every line

This field is a new one and more required from forgetting who I have spoken to and what I’ve spoken about. Using this section allows me to keep track of those details so when asked if I put the bins out, I can remember.

Notes Created Today

Just as a bit of reference point and for easy listing I list out all the notes I’ve created today using the Dataview plugin.

This allows me to jump back into things I have been looking at today without too much effort. I also use it to jump back into time and look at notes I’ve created in the past and see what I was thinking about at that time.

### Notes Created Today
TABLE tags as "Tags"
FROM "" AND !"01. Daily Notes"
WHERE contains(dateformat(file.ctime, "YYYY-MM-dd"), dateformat(this.file.day, "YYYY-MM-dd"))

You will notice that I exclude daily notes as it would simply be listing itself every day. I want to keep it clean.


My Daily Notes template is an evolving document with changes being made every couple of weeks. The main aim is to keep on top of what I’m doing and provide a point in time reference to what I’m doing / working on and feeling every day.

The Full Template

Mood: []
Productivity Level:
> [!info] Every Day
> - Fill out mood and productivity rating (low, medium or high)
> -  End of the day fill out the Daily Summary to cover everything done in that day, just so you can remember.

style: primary
label: New Fitness Activity
 type: templaterCreateNote
 templateFile: "99. Templates/Fitness Daily Tracker Template.md"
 folderPath: "07. Health/Activities"
 fileName: "YYYY-MM-DD - Activity"
 openNote: true

### Things To-Do
- [ ]

### Daily Diary / Things Done
> Include the time / activity and any tagging on every line

### Notes Created Today
TABLE tags as "Tags"
FROM "" AND !"01. Daily Notes"
WHERE contains(dateformat(file.ctime, "YYYY-MM-dd"), dateformat(this.file.day, "YYYY-MM-dd"))